
看守司法獨立——先行者的忠言 吳靄儀


吳靄儀   29/03/2020

    主權轉易之初,舉世關注香港的司法制度和司法獨立,在中共主權下能否平安而完整地保存。當時終審法院首席法官李國能廣邀各普通法地區的資深司法界人士來港訪問,分享心得。1999年2月5日,美國最高法院大法官Anthony Kennedy來港,以「司法獨立」為主題,講述他的看法,特別談到法律執業者應發揮的角色,以為勉勵。當時正值終院處於極大壓力之下,我深深感到遠道而來的大法官的誠懇和智慧,就把他的發言原稿保存下來。




The law is promise. It is a promise of neutrality. If the promise is broken, if neutrality does not prevail, then the law, as we know it, the law as we respect it, ceases to exist.




Turning to the requisites of judicial independence, there are, of course, many. It is my respectful submission that one requisite for judicial independence is that judges have the jurisdiction, the right, and the official capacity to decide all matters, susceptible to judicial resolution, that are necessary to ensure liberty and human freedom.

    這段文字說來自然,卻不好譯,因為涉及多重概念——例如什麼是「司法管轄權(jurisdiction)」,什麼是「matters...susceptible to judicial resolution」——但非常重要,因為很少人提及。簡單地說,就是司法獨立不是形式上的東西,不是沒有人明目張膽干預,不是「依足程序」就能滿足,而是法庭有真真正正的實權,在法庭的權限之內,保障一個人的自由。




If a judiciary does not have jurisdiction to this extent, then the members of the bar and the members of the larger society must continue to press to expand the jurisdiction. This is vital, because if the bar and the society seem indifferent to a too-narrow judicial charter, there is a risk that the judiciary will in fact or perception aid and abet a larger scheme to deprive persons of their liberty.




    在這方面,法律界是要共同承擔的。大法官認為法庭的裁決及對法律的釋義,不是由法官單獨作出,而是「bench and bar」——法官連同大律師共同達至。法庭考慮不周,大律師有責:

The bar, of course, is necessary to assist the bench in finding, in determining, in elaborating the meaning of the law. The bar is there to insist that it is not just the judges who make the law, but the courts as a whole. It is a collegial process; it is a further check, a further restraint, and a further discipline. And the bar is there, of course, to protest judgments believed to be in error, and, in the rare case, to expose the judge who is unfit for office.






Let me single out just two. The judge must commit himself, commit herself, upon first taking judicial office, to become learned in the law. When you assume the bench, that is a sign that your commitment to learning has just begun, not that it has ended. This, of course, is necessary if you are to know all the niceties and myriad details of the laws of the realm, so that it is a check on your great and significant and substantial power. This is necessary if the law is to instruct your judgment.





My dear colleagues in the judiciary, if members of the public or the bar, perhaps even an occasional judge, thinks that judicial power is simply a charade for the exercise of naked authority; if they think that the judicial office is just a power grab in a black robe; if they think it is just a subtle disguise for the exercise of a political function; then they do not believe in judicial independence. If you, however, believe there are neutral principles in the law; if you believe there are transcendent principles illuminating the idea of freedom and human spirituality, if you believe the doctrine and the principles of the law, in the hands of a sensitive, dedicated, and independent judiciary, can contribute to making our society more decent, more compassionate, more tolerant; then you believe in judicial independence. Of course I accept the latter proposition.

I say this not to lecture you, but to indicate my admiration for your unyielding efforts to preserve the Rule of Law here in Hong Kong. You must speak reason to your litigants. You must speak justice to society. You must speak truth to power. If you do, when the history of this time is written, then it will likely say to future generations that, because of what you have done here, freedom prevails in Hong Kong. Freedom, which must survive here and flourish here, is freedom to which all human kind must always aspire.







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